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The starting point for my work is usually my own photographs of places I have travelled to, sometimes incorporating found images and referencing the work of other artists and film-makers. During the making process these references become partially buried under successive layers of paint, sometimes re-emerging in an altered state, sometimes leaving only a trace of their original form: My intention is to capture a sense of the places I am painting and without being over-literal, to evoke visually the texture of a memory.
The ancient Himalayan Kingdom of Upper Mustang, western Nepal is a starkly beautiful, dusty land of wind-eroded cliffs in earthy shades of rust, ochre and slate. Sparse clusters of crumbling mud houses and Buddhist Temples, in the same hues, appear to emerge from and melt back into the earth.

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm Price: £1,300 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm Price: £750 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm Price: £1,020 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 70 x 80 cm Price: £1,020 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 50 x 60 cm Price: £750 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on canvas, 60 x 70 cm Price: £960 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on MDF, 25 x 20 cm Price: £350 For sales enquiries click Go to link

Artist: Sarah Tilley Oil on linen, 50 x 70 cm Price: £825 For sales enquiries click Go to link